VFX in need


Hello creators, our gaming team in in need of some VFX professionals. Our gaming team requires serious VFX creators and workers who would response as soon as possible if our team calls them


About our game :-

Our game is a upcomming game, in collaboration with Tiger VFX and united cad

The game is a very very adventures one. there will be a lot of action and fighting scenes and action scenes. all the details regarding the game will be shared to you via email

In order to be a member of our project all you have to do is to write your name, place, mobile number WhatsApp number in the comment section. Kindly also mention your email Id too in order to contact your and send all the project details to your email if our team hires or selects you. I you have any quarries, kindly ask in the comment section, our dedicated team will review your quarries and try to answer those

It will be handy to us if you give your details like this in the comment section

Name :- Amar

Place :- Paris

Mobile No. :- +91 3456729810

Whatsapp No. :- +91 3456729810

Email Id :- amar345@gamil.com 

Your quarries related to money will be rectified after you are hired. the members will aslo be given bonus for working for extra hours

All the details will be sent to your email. We will also appreciate if you share this notice to your friends and get referral bonus after your selection

The list of selected candidates will be displayed here. So kindly visit this page again and again for the list

Thanking you 

Best Regard from our team
